Deprecated Metrics in Google Analytics
1. %
Initial Audience Retained
- Percent of initial TV audience retained.
2. Ads Play – TV Spots
3. Cost - The total amount you paid
to air a targeted ad.
4. CPM
- Cost-per-thousand impressions for TV Ads is based on target impressions.
5. Data Hub Activities - Warning:
This metric has been deprecated.
6. Domain Lookup Sample - The number
of domain (DNS) lookup times received over the given time range.
7. Margin - Margin is (Ecommerce revenue +
Total Goal Value - Cost) divided by Revenue.
8. Page Download Sample - The number of
page download times received over the given time range.
9. Redirection Sample – The number of
redirection times received over the given time range.
10. ROI – Return on Investment is
(Ecommerce revenue + Total Goal Value - Cost) divided by Cost.
11. Server Connection Sample - The number
of server connection times received over the given time range.
12. Server Response Sample - The
number of server-response times received over the given time range.
13. TV impression - The number of viewers
who saw your ad. TV metrics are estimated daily and finalized nine days after
Users: All users that have had at least
one session within the selected date range. Includes both new and returning
users. Note: This metric is going to be deprecated. Select another metric for
more reliable data.
Viewed Entire Ad: The estimated number of impressions tuned into
the entire ad, from start to finish.
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